The photography is an image
Installation (toile de coton brodée, brique de lait, curry, paquet de chips, miroir).
︎ The installation features several everyday food objects a milk carton, a packet of chips, and a curry tablet covered in white fabric and adorned with the inscription «photography is an image», sewn using a machine. This serves to draw attention to the constructed nature of our perceptions and the arbitrary distinctions we make between the «real» and the «fake». The presence of a round mirror in the installation evokes the art historical use of that motif, specically the tondo format of Renaissance painting, and its association with illusion and vanitas. The mirror functions as an apparatus of vision, reflecting and framing the viewer’s perspective in a similar way to the «photograph, that is an image».
︎ This installation presents an exploration of the concepts of simulacrum and hauntology, as put forward by philosopher Jacques Derrida, describing a situation of temporal and ontological disjunction in which presence is replaced by a deferred non-origin. The use of food products in the installation brings to mind the codification of everyday objects, and the potential for manipulation in capitalist societies as Mark Fischer has shown in his research. However, it also invites the viewer to consider the possibility of thinking in a non-dualistic way and suspend their disbelief, as described by Coleridge. This installation raises questions about the relationship between the current products and the artistic experience, and the manipulation and representation of reality.